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What are Microgreens & Why do we eat them?
Microgreens are essentially a baby green about 1 - 2 weeks old on average. They are consumed with the stalk and first two true leaves known as "cotyledons".
Sprouts are another popular form of baby greens which are eaten at a few days old and consumed with the root structure.
The biggest reason to eat microgreens is for their health benefit. In our opinion this is followed by their pallatability and ability to stay fresh when live-harvested to eat. There is also the factor of needing to eat less microgreens to equal the equivalent share of the adult veggie.
While many articles and authors abound on the benefits of microgreens, they seem to all agree this form of consumable plant is nutrient dense and one of the most nutritious forms on the marketplace for consumers.
Did You Know:
>Microgreens can be grown hydroponically or with soil, depending on the variety.
>When you buy your groceries your vegetables have already begun aging since harvest before reaching the grocery. With every day, a vegetable loses more of its nutrition, leaving something tangible but without the same sustenance, nutrients our bodies need.
>When harvested live, your microgreens have the same nutrition Friday as when you buy them Monday, and are still just as fresh. This also helps save you money from lost perishables if you don't get to them right away.
>Didn't get to your microgreens pack right away? Not to worry, after these little guys have exhausted their growing space on your counter or fridge, you can plant them. That's right, plant the whole pack on some moist potting soil and water daily for some baby greens. This works particularly well with out Basic or Spicy Salad Mixes. Let the $ savings $ continue!
Have you heard of them? Let's challenge HOW we think of microgreens.
Microgreens are still unknown or considered 'trendy' or a luxury green to most people. We believe instead they should be on every plate, a daily staple of nutrition.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Microgreen?
A microgreen is a nutrient packed green with a punch of flavor and nutrition, typically about 1-2 weeks of age at consumption.
What is the difference between a Sprout and a Microgreen?
A sprout is eaten at a few days old and includes the root system when eaten. Microgreens are the stem and first two 'true' leaves which are eaten.
What kinds of Microgreens are there? How are they different?
Being a baby vegetable, rootstock or leafy green 'microgreens' come in a wide array of varieties. Some can be grown hydroponically or with soil, while others only grow well with soil. They have varying needs and challenges in growing them, as well as time to harvest, some being 7 days and others perhaps 3 weeks!
They each have a different and distinct flavor; some act as a great base with mixing with other microgreens varieties while some (i.e. radish) have a sharp snap to them and lend that flavor complex to a mixed salad or dish. They also have varying textures, i.e., broccoli is very thin and petite strands while peas are a thick succulent sensation many eat as a kid-friendly snack on its own.
Basic Salad Mix
Waltham 29 Broccoli, Vates Blue Scotch Curled Kale, Purple Vienna Kohlrabi, Slow Bolt Arugula & Red Acre Cabbage
Vitamins K, E, and C, calcium, iron, and beta-carotenes
Flavor: nutty, fresh brassica flavors, mild spice
Our Growing Method: Organic seed utilized. Hyrdoponically grown on hemp mat medium.
Di Cicco Broccoli
Vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, and phosphorus
Flavor: fresh, mild broccoli or cabbage flavor
Our Growing Method: Organic seed utilized. Hyrdoponically grown on hemp mat medium.
Green Cabbage
Vitamins C, K, minerals, fiber, beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iodine and sulfer
Flavor: Coming Soon
Our Growing Method: Organic seed utilized. Hyrdoponically grown on hemp mat medium.
Siberian Dwarf
High in beta carotene, vitamin K, vitamin C, lutein, zeaxanthin, and reasonably rich in calcium. Considered to be anti-inflammatory with powerful antioxidant properties.
Flavor: Coming Soon
Our Growing Method: Organic seed utilized. Hyrdoponically grown on hemp mat medium.
Tatsoi Mustard
a Japansese Spinach
Antioxidants, fiber, Vitamins A,C, E, and K
Flavor: A bold mustard flavor with spice
Our Growing Method: Non-GMO seed utilized. Hyrdoponically grown on hemp mat medium.
Vitamins E, A, K, B6, and C, protein, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper, phosphorous, and potassium
Flavor: Intense basil flavor. Use micro basil in place of regular basil in any recipe, for extra intense basil flavor. Micro basil pesto is amazing.
Our Growing Method: Organic seed utilized. Grown in Organic potting soil medium.
Vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, calcium iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and essential amino acids
Flavor: nutty, spicy and fresh
Our Growing Method: Organic seed utilized. Hyrdoponically grown on hemp mat medium.
Green Pea
Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, protein, fiber, omega-3 and micronutrients
Flavor: sweet, fresh pea taste. Crunchy & succulent.
Our Growing Method: Organic seed utilized. Hyrdoponically grown on hemp mat medium.
Spicy Salad Mix
Waltham 29 Broccoli, Vates Blue Scotch Curled Kale, Purple Vienna Kohlrabi, Slow Bolt Arugula & Red Acre Cabbage & Mustard
Vitamins A, B-complex, C, and K, antioxidants, fiber, iron, potassium, copper, calcium, iron, and phosphorus
Flavor: nutty, fresh with a spicy kick
Our Growing Method: Organic seed utilized. Hyrdoponically grown on hemp mat medium.
Slow Bolt Arugula
Essential nutrients such calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium
Flavor: Bright and peppery similar to mustard or radish. 2-3" leaves are sweeter and more tender than larger, more coarse greens.
Our Growing Method: Organic seed utilized. Hyrdoponically grown on hemp mat medium.
Red Acre Cabbage
Vitamins C, K, minerals, fiber, beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iodine and sulfer
Flavor: Bright and peppery similar to mustard or radish. 2-3" leaves are sweeter and more tender than larger, more coarse greens.
Our Growing Method: Organic seed utilized. Hyrdoponically grown on hemp mat medium.
Purple Vienna
100 percent of your daily value of vitamin C. Also contain Vitamins B1, B6, B9, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium.
Flavor: mild cabbage-like flavor
Our Growing Method: Organic seed utilized. Hyrdoponically grown on hemp mat medium.
Pak Choi Rosette Tatsoi
Nicknamed Vitamin Green, and rightfully so. This gourmet green is known as one of the richest sources of vitamin C and it is replete with other incredible vitamins, minerals, and health-promoting compounds! Tatsoi also boasts glucosinolates (which have been extensively studied for their potential in lowering the risk of some cancers) and carotenoids, which promote eye health. (Excerpt from RareSeeds.com)
Flavor: Mild and sweet, like a mild mustard.
Our Growing Method: Non-GMO seed utilized. Hyrdoponically grown on hemp mat medium.
Coming Soon
Flavor: Mild onion, spice, verdant, fresh. Onion taste that can add color and flavor to any micro salad. They look like tiny scallions. Use in place of onions on a sandwich.
Our Growing Method: Organic seed utilized. Grown in Organic potting soil medium.
Daikon Minowase
Coming Soon
Flavor: Strong brassica flavor with a hint of spice
Our Growing Method: Organic seed utilized. Hyrdoponically grown on hemp mat medium.
Ways to Enjoy